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Popular Search Terms

These are currently the popular search terms on my blog:

  • blog amedee be
    Yeah, that’s this blog.
  • localhost
    Which used to be my IRC handle a looooong time ago.
  • upgrade squeeze to wheezy sed -i
    Sometimes I blog about Ubuntu, or Linux in general.
  • guild wars bornem
    Okay, I have played Guild Wars, but not very often, and I have been in Bornem, but the combination???
  • giftige amedeeamedee giftig
    Wait, I am toxic???
  • orgasme
    Ehhhh… dunno why people come looking for orgasms on my blog.
  • telenet service
    I used to blog about bad service I got a couple of times from Telenet.
  • taxipost 2007
  • ik bond ixq

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