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Installing Ubuntu 20.04 LTS on 2011 MacBook Air

My laptop is a 2011 MacBook Air. I’m not a huge Apple fan, it’s just that at the time it had the most interesting hardware features compared to similar laptops. And it’s quite sturdy, so that’s nice.

Over the years I have experimented with installing Linux in parallel to the OS X operating system, but in the end I settled on installing my favorite Linux tools inside OS X using Homebrew, because having two different operating systems on one laptop was Too Much Effort. In recent times Apple has decided, in it’s infinite wisdom (no sarcasm at all *cough*), that it will no longer provide operating system upgrades for older hardware. Okay, then. Lately the laptop had become slow as molasses anyway, so I decided to replace OS X entirely with Ubuntu. No more half measures! I chose 20.04 LTS for the laptop because reasons. 🙂

The laptop was really slow…

According to the Ubuntu Community Help Wiki, all hardware should be supported, except Thunderbolt. I don’t use anything Thunderbolt, so that’s OK for me. The installation was pretty straightforward: I just created a bootable USB stick and powered on the Mac with the Option/Alt (⌥) key pressed. Choose EFI Boot in the Startup Manager, and from there on it’s all a typical Ubuntu installation.

Startup Manager

I did not bother with any of the customizations described on the Ubuntu Wiki, because everything worked straight out of the box, and besides, the wiki is terribly outdated anyway.

The end result? I now have a laptop that feels snappy again, and that still gets updates for the operating system and the installed applications. And it’s my familiar Linux. What’s next? I’m thinking about using Ansible to configure the laptop.

To finish, I want to show you my sticker collection on the laptop. There’s still room for a lot more!

sticker collection on my laptop. Photo copyright: me.
my notebook

Working abroad?

Occasionally (about 4% of people contacting me) I get a job offer for somewhere in another country.

This is a list of places outside of Belgium where people are apparently interested in having me. 😀

  • India (Hyderabad)
  • Germany (Berlin, Munich, Stuttgart, Wiesbaden)
  • United Kindom (London)
  • France (Paris)
  • Italy (Turin)
  • Spain (Madrid)
  • Poland
  • Netherlands (Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht, Eindhoven, Groningen, Almere, Arnhem, Maastricht, Leiden, Deventer, Delft, Heerenveen)
  • Sweden (Stockholm)
  • Austria (Graz)
  • Switzerland (Zurich)
  • Norway (Stavanger)
  • Luxembourg (Luxembourg City, Pétange)

I have never considered moving permanently to another country for work, and I wouldn’t feel comfortable to move to a country where I don’t speak the language. Even if the company language is English, I would still need to communicate with people in everyday life, for example going to the shop. So from the list above, only France and the Netherlands would remain.

Besides the language, there is still the matter of being cut off from the people who matter to me. Yes there is the internet, and during the pandemic there was virtually no other way to stay in touch, but still… it’s not the same. I already have some friends in the Netherlands, so (hypothetically) I would feel less alone there. But there are still plenty of interesting local companies to work for, so no thanks for now.

Have you ever been invited to work abroad? If yes, what was your motivation for doing so? What were your experiences? Feel free to share in the comments!

photography of a persons hand with stop signage

Thanks, but no thanks

After reading a few hundred emails from recruiters, I see a couple of trends popping up. I’m being contacted for job offers that really aren’t relevant or interesting for me. Some of them may be attributed to automatic keyword scanning. But still. If possible, I would kindly ask everyone not to contact me for any of the following:

  • Freelance: I have never done freelance before. Working freelance means that I would first have to start all the paperwork to become self-employed, and at this moment I’m not interested in doing all that. Maybe that could change in the faraway future, but at this point in my life I prefer permanent positions.
  • C/C++ embedded development: At one of my previous jobs, I did testing on the embedded software of a smart printer. Testing. Not development. I have never written a single line of C or C++ in my life. I would probably be able to read and understand other people’s code, but I’m sure that there are plenty of people who are really fluent in C/C++.
  • Drupal development: A long, long time ago, I made and maintained a few small Drupal sites. I have also been to one or two Drupal Dev Days in the early 2000s. I think I still have a T-shirt somewhere. But in all that time, I only did Drupal admin, I never went into the itty-gritty PHP to write custom Drupal code. And I’m pretty sure that my Drupal skills are quite rusty now.
  • Node.js development: Oh dear. I did a few tiny Node.js projects: some “glue code”, some rapid prototyping. Nothing fancy, nothing production quality, never more than 100 lines of code. Let’s not do that.
    EDIT 2021-10-25: I may have changed my opinion on this one! More about this in an upcoming blogpost.
    EDIT 2021-10-29: it’s online: What are my preferred roles.
  • SharePoint development: With the eternal words of William Shakespeare:

Fie on’t! ah fie! ’tis an unweeded garden,
That grows to seed; things rank and gross in nature
Possess it merely. That it should come to this!

Hamlet, Act I, Scene ii

  • Quality Control Operator: This is typically a case of blindly searching for keywords and not verifying the results. I have worked as a Software Quality Engineer, so if you search only for “quality”, you’ll end up with jobs where you do actual physical inspection of physical products. Rule of thumb: if I can’t test it with an Assert-statement in some kind of programming language, then it’s probably not the kind of “quality” that I’m looking for.
  • Production / “blue collar jobs”: Yeah well let’s not do that at all, shall we? With all due respect for the people who do this type of work, and some of it is really essential work, but I don’t think that this would ever make me happy.
  • First line tech support: Been there, done that, got the battle scars. Never again, thank you very much.

Benefits for not contacting me for any of these: you don’t waste time chasing a dead-end lead, and I can spend more time on reading and reacting to job offers that actually are relevant, interesting and even exciting. Everybody happy! 🙂

black magnifying glass beside yellow pencil

So, how is the jobhunt going?

It’s been a long time since I last looked for a job myself. At job[-1] (7 years) and job[-2] (2 years), the employers contacted me while I was already working somewhere else, and at job[-3] I worked for 5 years, so all added up, that makes more than 14 years since I last did anything like this.

Job sites

I started with creating or updating a profile on a couple of job sites:

There are a couple more job sites that I know of but haven’t done anything with. Please leave a comment if you think any of them offer benefits over those listed above.

  • Viadeo (mostly French, so probably less useful)
  • Xing (I think they are mostly German-based)
  • StepStone
  • Facebook Job Search (I can’t imagine that any employer on Facebook Job Search wouldn’t also be on LinkedIn, but maybe I’ll try it to see if the search works better there)

I have also updated my CV and I’ve put it online:

A torrent of messages

But then — I think — I made a mistake. The weather was nice, I wanted to be outdoors, trying to unwind a bit from the unusual times of the past months, and I disconnected.

Meanwhile the messages started pouring in, via email, LinkedIn (messages and connection requests), and occasionally a phone call from an unknown number. First just a few, then dozens, and just a few weeks later, already a couple of hundred. Oops.

The thing is, while I was technically available, I wasn’t yet mentally available. I still had to disconnect from the previous job, where I worked for more than 7 years, and I needed to think about what I really want to do next. Should I do something similar as before, because I already have the experience? Or should I try to find something that truly sparks joy? More on that later.


Anyway, I had to come up with some strategies to deal with these high volumes of communication. First of all, not to get completely crazy, I defined a schedule, because otherwise I’d be responding to messages 24/7. There are other important activities too, like actively browsing through the job listings on various sites, or keeping up to date with current technology, or reaching out to my network, or having a social media presence (like this blog), or, you know, being social, having hobbies, and life in general.

One thing I noticed right away in many messages, is that people ask me for a CV — even though my LinkedIn profile is current. But I get it. And a separate document doesn’t confine me to the format of one specific website, and it helps me to emphasize what I think is important. So I made sure that my CV is available on an easy to reach URL:

Then I made two short template messages, one in Dutch and one in English, to thank people for contacting me, where they can find my CV, and — for the LinkedIn people — what my email address is. That’s because I find it easier to track conversations in my mailbox. I can also give labels and flags to conversations, to help me in identifying the interesting ones.


On LinkedIn, it went like this:

  • Read message.
  • Copy contact details to a spreadsheet.
  • Copy/paste the Dutch or English template message, so that they have my CV and email address.
  • If their message was really interesting(*), add an additional message that I’ll get back to them, and close the conversation. That’ll move it to the top of the message queue.
  • If their message wasn’t interesting or unclear, archive the conversation. If they come back after reading my CV, they’ll either end up in my mailbox, or if they use LinkedIn again, they’ll pop back up at the top of the message queue. But I don’t want to worry about the kind of recruiters that are just “fishing”.

This way I reduced my LinkedIn messages from about 150 to about 20. That’s 20 job offers that I want to give a second, more detailed look. Wow. And that’s just LinkedIn.

(*) What makes a message interesting?

  • It’s relevant.
  • The job isn’t too far to commute.
  • They clearly read my LinkedIn profile.
  • There is a detailed job description.
  • My gut feeling.


Email is another huge source of messages. Fortunately Gmail gives me some tools there to help me. One of the first things I had to do, was to clean out my mailbox. Seriously. It was a dumpster fire. My Inbox had thousands (!) of unread emails. I used rules, filters, deleted emails (I think I deleted more than 100 000 emails), archived emails, and unsubscribed from many, many newsletters that had accumulated over the years. I am now at the point where there are currently 3 emails in my Primary Inbox, all 3 of them actionable items that I expect to finish in the next two weeks, and then those emails will be archived too.

Then, for any recent(ish) email about job offers, I labeled them as “jobhunt” and moved them to the Updates Inbox. That’s the Inbox that Gmail already used automatically for most of these emails, so that was convenient. (For those who don’t know: Gmail has 5 inboxes: Primary, Social, Promotions, Updates and Forums.) At this moment, there are 326 emails labeled “jobhunt”. I’m sure that there will be some overlap with LinkedIn, but still. That’s a lot.

I’ll be using Gmail’s stars, “Important” flag, and archive, to classify emails. Again, just like with LinkedIn, if an email isn’t really interesting at first glance, it’ll go to the archive after I’ve send them a short default message.


I get it. Really, I do. For some of you, talking on the phone comes naturally, you do it all the time, and it’s your preferred way of communication. For you it’s the fastest way to do your job.

But for me it’s a tough one. I wouldn’t say that I have outright phone phobia, but phone really is my least favorite communication channel. I need some time to charge myself up for a planned phone call, and afterwards I need some time to process it. Even if it is just writing down some notes about what was discussed and looking up some stuff.

It also has to do with how I process information. Speech is in one direction, always forward, and always at the same speed. You can’t rewind speech. But that’s not how my brain works. I want to read something again and again, or skip a paragraph, or first jump to a conclusion and then jump back to see how we got to that conclusion. Sometimes my thoughts go faster than how I express them, and putting it in writing helps me to see the gaps.

Calls out of the blue? I prefer to avoid those. Really. Especially the ones where people just want to get to know me. In the time it takes for me to do one such phone call (and I do take them seriously), I’m able to process several emails. So I very much prefer to focus first on contacts who have something concrete and actionable.

As mentioned above, I record contact information in a spreadsheet. I then import that information into Google Contacts, so that when someone calls me, I see their name on the screen of my phone, and not just a number. That also helps me to decide to pick up the phone or let it go to voicemail. I will get back to those that go to voicemail, but it’ll just be at my own pace.

Social media presence

I’m starting to put myself a bit more out there, by engaging in conversations on LinkedIn. I have also picked up blogging again, and I’m sharing links to my posts on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Besides my Facebook profile, I also have a Facebook page, but I’m not using that fanatically, because for myself at this point I don’t see Facebook as a professional tool.

On Twitter I have two accounts: @amedee and @AmedeeVanGasse. The former is mostly for personal stuff, and is mostly in Dutch. The latter is one that I created to tweet at tech conferences, but we all know how many tech conferences there were in the last 1.5 years… 🙂 Most tweets there will be in English.


I feel like this has become a very long blog post. Maybe too long, I don’t know. Maybe I should have split it up in several parts? But for me it felt like one story I had to tell.

If any of you social media gurus out there have some opinions to share, that’s what the comment box below is for. 🙂

Wanneer een vulkaan geen vulkaan is

In mei 2020 was er het nieuws dat er in Nederland per toeval een 150 miljoen jaar oude vulkaan ontdekt was in de Noordzee: Daarbij werd er gezegd dat er in België geen vulkanen zijn. Onjuist, volgens 2 eminente geologen, en op 11 mei 2020 werd het verhaal wat uitgediept: Lees daar even verder als je interesse hebt in geologie, want het is best wel boeiend.

Een alinea in het artikel trok vooral mijn aandacht:

Van west naar oost slingert er een brede grillige vulkanische gordel onder ons land, van Diksmuide en Oostende over de taalgrens via Halle naar Hoei, Gembloux en Visé en andere Ardense plekken en Duitsland. Als ons land 4 kilometer groter was, dan hadden we warempel een nog bovengronds zichtbare vulkaan: die van Ormont, 4 kilometer over de Belgisch – Duitse grens. Dat is echt een “groentje” want daterend uit de laatste ijstijd. 

Daaronder stond deze foto:

Bron: Wikipedia

Met als bijschrift:

De nog zichtbare vulkaanvorm van Ormont


Oh, cool, zo’n herkenbare vorm, dat moet zeker te zien zijn op Google Maps! Ik ga eens zien of ik die vulkaan kan vinden. Volg met mij mee: ga naar,+Germany en zet de terreinlaag aan, zodat je de topografie ziet.

Google Maps

In het noordoosten van Ormont lijken de hoogtelijnen iets te vormen dat met een beetje verbeelding heel misschien een vulkaan zou kunnen zijn. Helaas is er in Duitsland geen Google Street View, dus op die manier kan ik het niet bevestigen.

Maar die hoogtelijnen… ik voel dat er iets niet klopt… dat is een zacht glooiend landschap, en er is geen echt duidelijk afgetekende “berg” zoals op de foto op de VRT-site.

Misschien vind ik op de Duitse Wikipedia ( iets over het plaatsje Ormont? Daar staat deze foto:

Bron: Wikipedia

Euhm, nee, dat landschap komt totaal niet overeen met de foto op de VRT-site.

Ik zoek verder op Google naar Ormont en ik vind iets op, een internationale database van mineralen en mijnbouw: Op het kaartje daar staat een mijn genaamd “Goldberg” aangeduid:


En inderdaad, die mijn is ook goed te zien op Google Maps:

Bron: Google Maps

Er is trouwens geen goud te vinden in de Goldberg mijn, maar wel augiet, biotiet, diopsied, forsteriet, magnetiet, nefelien en sanidien. Voor de kenners: dat zijn allemaal mineralen die in magma te vinden zijn, dus die mijn ligt inderdaad op een vulkaan.

Maar waar komt de foto van de VRT dan wel vandaan? Bij het zoeken op Google naar “Ormont” had ik die foto ook al zien passeren. Ik heb dan Google Reverse Image Search gebruikt, en ik vond direct de bron op Wikipedia, namelijk het was inderdaad Ormont… in de Vogezen in Frankrijk:!

Dit staat in de metadata van de Franse foto:

  • Genomen op 1 februari 2008 met een Nikon Coolpix S500
  • Op 17 februari 2008 geëxporteerd naar JPEG in Adobe Photoshop Elements 2.0
  • Op 29 februari 2008 toegevoegd aan Wikipedia door user Ji-Elle als eigen werk, en in public domain domain geplaatst
  • Beschrijving: “Robache (Saint-Dié des Vosges, France) au pied du massif de l’Ormont”

Ik kon de exacte locatie van de foto niet vinden, maar als ik op Google Maps 48.3068505N, 6.9732091E neem (Route Forestiere du Paradis, Robache), overschakel naar Street View, en dan pal oostwaarts kijk, dan herken ik de berg, inclusief de antenne op de top. Dat heeft me wel wat meer tijd op Google Maps gekost dan het duurde om deze blogpost te schrijven… 😅

Bron: Google Maps

Op Wikipedia zeggen ze nog het volgende over de Ormont in Robache:

Formée au cœur d’un bassin permien, la partie élevée de la montagne est supportée par des alternances de couches de grès et d’argiles.

Dat wil zeggen, afwisselende lagen van zandsteen en klei. Dus zeker geen vulkaan!

De website van tourisme Lorraine bevestigt ook dat het zandsteen is:

Le massif de l’Ormont est fait de roche gréseuse et culmine jusqu’à 899 m d’altitude.

Oef zeg, mysterie opgelost! Ik heb een mailtje met mijn bevindingen gestuurd naar de VRT nieuwsombudsman, en enkele dagen later kreeg ik antwoord:

Beste heer Vangasse,

Bedankt voor uw mail aan de nieuwsombudsman. U had een opmerking over een foto in onderstaand artikel:

Ik bracht de redactie daarvan op de hoogte, en de foto werd inmiddels aangepast.

De nieuwsombudsman wil u ook danken voor uw kritische opmerking.
Verder wensen wij u de komende dagen veel warmte, solidariteit en een goede gezondheid.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Ine Verhulst, medewerker van Tim Pauwels
VRT Nieuwsombudsman

Eind goed, al goed! 😀

black and gray digital device

Living without email for a month

Remember when my webserver was acting up? Well, I was so fed up with it, that I took a preconfigured Bitnami WordPress image and ran that on AWS. I don’t care how Bitnami configured it, as long as it works.

As a minor detail, postfix/procmail/dovecot were of course not installed or configured. Meh. This annoyed the Mrs. a bit because she didn’t get her newsletters. But I was so fed up with all the technical problems, that I waited a month to do anything about it.

Doing sudo apt-get -y install postfix procmail dovecot-pop3d and copying over the configs from the old server solved that.

Did I miss email during that month? Not at all. People were able to contact met through Twitter, Facebook, Telegram and all the other social networks. And I had an entire month without spam. Wonderful!

black server racks on a room

Ye Olde Apache

It’s official, nginx is a heap of donkey dung. I replaced it with ye olde apache:

sudo service nginx stop
sudo apt-get -y purge nginx
sudo apt-get -y install apache2 apachetop libapache2-mod-php5
sudo apt-get -y autoremove
sudo service apache2 restart


black server racks on a room

The Website Was Down

Captain: What happen?
Mechanic: Somebody set up us the bomb!

So yeah, my blog was off the air for a couple of days. So what happened?

This is what /var/log/nginx/error.log told me:

2016/06/27 08:48:46 [error] 22758#0: *21197
connect() to unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock failed (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) while connecting to upstream, client:, server:, request: "GET /wuala-0 HTTP/1.0", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host:

So I asked Doctor Google “connect() to unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock failed (11: resource temporarily unavailable)” and got this answer from StackOverflow:

The issue is socket itself, its problems on high-load cases is well-known. Please consider using TCP/IP connection instead of unix socket, for that you need to make these changes:

  • in php-fpm pool configuration replace listen = /var/run/php5-fpm.sock with listen =
  • in /etc/nginx/php_location replace fastcgi_pass unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock; with fastcgi_pass;

followed by a carefull application of

sudo /etc/init.d/php-fpm restart
sudo /etc/init.d/nginx restart

Tl;dr version: don’t use a Unix socket, use an IP socket. For great justice!

I leave you with this classic:

The Website is Down #1: Sales Guy vs. Web Dude

close up photo of matrix background

Creating and publishing a NuGet package on Linux

Suppose you have a couple of .dll files that were built on a TeamCity server and you want to bundle them into a NuGet package and publish them on, how would you do that if you were a Linux user? Is that even possible??? Let’s find out!

  1. Preparation

    First things first, lets create a clean working environment:

    mkdir -p ~/repos/qa-nugetlinux
    cd qa-nugetlinux
    git init
    gi linux,vagrant >> .gitignore
    git add .gitignore
    git commit -m ".gitignore created by,vagrant"
    vagrant init --minimal ubuntu/yakkety64
    git add Vagrantfile
    git commit -m "Add Vagrantfile"
    vagrant up --provider virtualbox

    This creates a Vagrant box where I will conduct my experiments. Let’s dive in and make sure that everything is up-to-date inside:

    vagrant ssh
    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get -y dist-upgrade
    sudo apt-get -y autoremove
  2. Installing NuGet

    Now let’s get this party going!

    cd ~/vagrant
    chmod +x nuget.exe
    -bash: ./nuget.exe: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error

    Computer says no…
    Why not?

    file nuget.exe
    nuget.exe: PE32 executable (console) Intel 80386 Mono/.Net assembly, for MS Windows

    Oops, silly me. It’s a Mono executable.

    mono nuget.exe
    The program 'mono' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing:
    sudo apt install mono-runtime

    Thank you for that helpful message, Ubuntu!

    sudo apt-get -y install mono-runtime

    16 MiB later, I try again:

    mono nuget.exe
    Unhandled Exception:
    System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies.
    File name: 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
      at NuGet.CommandLine.Program.Main (System.String[] args)  in :0 
    [ERROR] FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' or one of its dependencies.
    File name: 'System.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
      at NuGet.CommandLine.Program.Main (System.String[] args)  in :0

    System.Core is missing? OK let’s install that.

    sudo apt-get -y install libmono-system-*

    And try again:

    mono nuget.exe
    Could not load file or assembly or one of its dependencies.

    Sigh. Ok, let’s use a cannon to shoot a mosquito:

    sudo apt-get -y install mono-complete

    Does it work now?

    mono nuget.exe
    NuGet Version:
    usage: NuGet  [args] [options] 
    Type 'NuGet help ' for help on a specific command.
    Available commands:
     add         Adds the given package to a hierarchical source. http sources are not supported. For more info, goto
     config      Gets or sets NuGet config values.
     delete      Deletes a package from the server.
     help (?)    Displays general help information and help information about other commands.
     init        Adds all the packages from the  to the hierarchical . http feeds are not supported. For more info, goto
     install     Installs a package using the specified sources. If no sources are specified, all sources defined in the NuGet configuration file are used. If the configuration file specifies no sources, uses the default NuGet feed.
     list        Displays a list of packages from a given source. If no sources are specified, all sources defined in %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config are used. If NuGet.config specifies no sources, uses the default NuGet feed.
     locals      Clears or lists local NuGet resources such as http requests cache, packages cache or machine-wide global packages folder.
     pack        Creates a NuGet package based on the specified nuspec or project file.
     push        Pushes a package to the server and publishes it.
                 NuGet's default configuration is obtained by loading %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config, then loading any nuget.config or .nugetnuget.config starting from root of drive and ending in current directory.
     restore     Restores NuGet packages.
     setApiKey   Saves an API key for a given server URL. When no URL is provided API key is saved for the NuGet gallery.
     sources     Provides the ability to manage list of sources located in %AppData%NuGetNuGet.config
     spec        Generates a nuspec for a new package. If this command is run in the same folder as a project file (.csproj, .vbproj, .fsproj), it will create a tokenized nuspec file.
     update      Update packages to latest available versions. This command also updates NuGet.exe itself.
    For more information, visit

    And there was much rejoicing (Monty Python And The Holy Grail)
  3. Creating the .nuspec file

    1. Trying the easy way, and failing miserably

      According to some Idiot’s Guide to Creating and Publishing a NuGet package I found, I should be able to create a .nuspec file by running NuGet in the same directory as a .csproj file. Let’s try that:

      cd ~/vagrant/itextcore-dotnet/itext/itext.barcodes/
      mono ~/vagrant/nuget.exe pack itext.barcodes.csproj -verbosity detailed
      Attempting to build package from 'itext.barcodes.csproj'.
      MSBuild auto-detection: using msbuild version '4.0' from '/usr/lib/mono/4.5'. Use option -MSBuildVersion to force nuget to use a specific version of MSBuild.
      System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
        at (wrapper dynamic-method) System.Object:CallSite.Target (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Closure,System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite,object)
        at System.Dynamic.UpdateDelegates.UpdateAndExecuteVoid1[T0] (System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite site, System.Dynamic.T0 arg0)  in :0 
        at NuGet.CommandLine.ProjectFactory.ResolveTargetPath ()  in :0 
        at NuGet.CommandLine.ProjectFactory.BuildProject ()  in :0 
        at NuGet.CommandLine.ProjectFactory.CreateBuilder (System.String basePath)  in :0 
        at NuGet.CommandLine.PackCommand.BuildFromProjectFile (System.String path)  in :0 
        at NuGet.CommandLine.PackCommand.BuildPackage (System.String path)  in :0 
        at NuGet.CommandLine.PackCommand.ExecuteCommand ()  in :0 
        at NuGet.CommandLine.Command.ExecuteCommandAsync ()  in :0 
        at NuGet.CommandLine.Command.Execute ()  in :0 
        at NuGet.CommandLine.Program.MainCore (System.String workingDirectory, System.String[] args)  in :0

      That seems like a big ball of NOPE to me… According to this GitHub comment from a NuGet member, this is to be expected.

    2. Hand Crank the .nuspec File

      So it’s going to be the hard way.

      This blog post was a draft, and I decided to publish whatever I had already, and if anyone is ever interested, I may or may not finish it. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

google search engine on macbook pro

Popular Search Terms

These are currently the popular search terms on my blog:

  • blog amedee be
    Yeah, that’s this blog.
  • localhost
    Which used to be my IRC handle a looooong time ago.
  • upgrade squeeze to wheezy sed -i
    Sometimes I blog about Ubuntu, or Linux in general.
  • guild wars bornem
    Okay, I have played Guild Wars, but not very often, and I have been in Bornem, but the combination???
  • giftige amedeeamedee giftig
    Wait, I am toxic???
  • orgasme
    Ehhhh… dunno why people come looking for orgasms on my blog.
  • telenet service
    I used to blog about bad service I got a couple of times from Telenet.
  • taxipost 2007
  • ik bond ixq